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i need help with that REcharge riffle u get in a DLC w/ 2nd question


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i just bought a lazier recharger type of Rifle, what type of mods if any can i put on it? since it is weak over all. tho i did get it as a back up Because never need ammo, now im in spots where ut dont have enough power to take anyone down..


i just starting playing after lossing my save of 280 hrs of game play. it sucks so im trying to make it not as hard as it was on me so im trying to get evreything right off..



side note (if im allowed to ask this or need another post)


what is the best line way to add points to ur starting chair?.. im under lvl 4 so i dont feel like im cheating since i did this before (i just knew what to put them as tho and what do from there to max out every point and xp point su can use... if any1 can help sweet and thaks

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