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Moments when you cried bulls***.


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Last night is probably the single most unlucky turn of events i have ever experienced in xcom and my god did i cry bullshit at the screen.


Chain of events as follows:


3 Floaters discovered 2 in cover but pretty much hugging eachother 1 further back but out of cover.


Heavy shoots a rocket at the 2 grouped missed. Okay 90% isn't gaurenteed fair enough it happens.


Sniper takes a 80% chance shot at the one out of cover missed okay that's a little irritating 2 high chance events missing.


Rookie runs up close but in cover for a 86% chance to hit a floater misses.


By this point i'm pretty pissed.


Move my last assault guy next to my rookie and in cover 96% chance to hit with his shot gun.... missed


>____> my friggin wig was i mad they counter attack kill 2 out right causing panic next turn they pick off the other 2


Admitly i probably made some bad choices and felt it was a safe gamble but holy s#*! was this infuriating!, due to having my 3 strongest soliders trashed i got severly crippled and had to drop out this campain (it was about 1.5 months into a classic mode game)

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I used to think or say "thats complete bs" alot with the teleport bug.Early game in classic or impossible can be very annoying as the sectoids/tall man's will often 1 shot people across the map who are hunkered in tall cover...all with the smallest angle of LOS but hey, thats xcom...and its part of the reason we keep going back ;)

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ah, those Damage Roulette moments...


Sniper fires at Chryssalid and deals 1 damage. Then Heavy also fires and hits with 1 damage. Then, both Assaults fire their shotgun and gives it 3 damage each. Heavy fires and misses but no panic yet, there's still 1 Support left that fires and hits (nearly all units got the shot) but deals... 1 damage. argh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fresh game with 'not created equally' spawned a team of <30 will rookies. One took a single damage, turned, shot another dead and the other two panicked and ran out of cover into a new pack of sectoids. Needless to say I just rolled that game over.


I used to think or say "thats complete bs" alot with the teleport bug.Early game in classic or impossible can be very annoying as the sectoids/tall man's will often 1 shot people across the map who are hunkered in tall cover...all with the smallest angle of LOS but hey, thats xcom...and its part of the reason we keep going back :wink:

This is primarily due to the aim/crit bonus they get, not any RNG or 'strategy' element. Hence why I removed it from my classic difficulty mode - impossible can keep it's cheating, but I want a difficult AI without cheating.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Turn four: I've killed my opponents sniper and hurt a support


Me: (All units in cover on top of the bar)

Misses a 95 % Thin man shot

Misses a 80 % Muton elite shot

Fails a 95 % Chance to mind control with my Sectoid commander

Misses with all shots from 3 sectoids (Ok, I admit it, they were pretty low chance 30-20%)


My friend (Gave me these chances over XBL): (Units in the car park) Hits 2% Shot from a rookie

Hits 25% chance shot from a heavy (Both shots hit)

Hits 20% Chance shot from support


Me: THAT'S f*#@ING BS!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I've had these moments as well, but I've also had it the other way around. These are all on Classic Ironman. Desperate shot at 25% against a floater, hits and kills it. Hopeless shot at 13% against a Thinman behind full cover, hits and kills it. I really do not have much more to display, because I only take this kind of shots when the soldier's position is either hopeless(will die anyway) or irrelevant(too far away from the heat zone and nothing more useful to do).


Needless to say I had all my soldiers miss on the same target at 60% - 75% all of them with 2 heavies with bullet swarm firing twice. But, after the first time this happened, I always prefer a grenade over that 75% or even 90% shot, if missing will mean my soldier to be toast. Grenades never miss ;).


To conclude, I always think twice when I am to take a shot at less than 100%. I ask myself, if I miss, what then? If my soldier can survive a shot, I take it, otherwise I retreat, unless I am willing to take the loss if I miss. It is not much different when you have to fight Mutons and Elite Mutons. They do not die on one shot. So, you have to consider your options carefully.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Was playing impossible ironman mode and had made it to the end of the first UFO crash with no losses and had a sniper. Hunker my sniper down behind a tree on a hill while fighting an outsider, knowing I would need the sniper going forward. Outsider headshots him from far away :(

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