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Merry Wasteland Holidays


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Twas the Night IN DC wasteland by ME!


Twas the winter in Wasteland Dc AND I asleep on my Dirty Mat. Not a creature was stirring not even Rad-rat!


The Shotgun Was Hung by the chimney with Care. In hopes that Feral Ghouls Would soon not be there!


The Children all shaking and all full of dread. from the visions of dead corpses Raiders filled full of lead!


And Mamma in her old dirty clothes, And me in my Pre-war cap,cried ourselves to sleep and finally took a nap!


When I heard from the alley arose such a clatter, I pulled out my gun to see what was the matter!


Away to the boarded up window I moved there with fear. Pulled apart some of the boards, and out I did peer.


the Moon was real bright, the streets filled with radioactive ASH, like black fallen Snow, Gave the Luster of Green, to the objects below!


When, what to my wondering eyes should be seen, a 10 foot tall elf, Who seemed Jolly and Keen!


What a huge old Codger I thought it up Real Quick Must Be old Sandy Claws, and that is jolly St. Nick!


On the broken Wall he did climb, to reach the tattered old roof, He started down the broken chimney with a jolly old OOF!


Down The chimney did he fall and make a loud sound, after the soot all did clear he was finally on the ground!


He was dressed all in rags, from his neck to his foot, His clothes were tarnished with radioactive soot.


He pulled from his bag A Gatling Gun, my first thought was I better hurry and run!


I pulled out a grenade in spite of myself, I hoped it would kill that ugly old elf!


I tossed the grenade right between his 2 feet, and hoped it would kill him my heart skipped a beat.


boom it did blow while he was still in the chimney spot, Screaming in agony it must have hurt ALOT!


Up the chimney did he rise going up like a SHOT, like blowing your nose, and shooting out Snot!


But I heard him Yell, ere he flew out of sight, I'll eat you spleen next Time! Till then have a horrible night!


Ok Ok i'm horrible at POEMS you guys do better!

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