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...the mod I'm currently working on :)


So I've been working on a mod for a while now that aims to beautify all available player homes in an immersive way. It removes broken floor tiles, dirty walls, roofs with holes in them, cob webs, old rugs, replaces shabby furniture and so on.


The houses' interiors are supposed to look new and comfy instead of ruined and dirty. Now like I said I'm trying to keep the mod immersive. I'm not turning the homes into magic houses (interior bigger than exterior) and I'm trying to somewhat stick to the "general" style of the houses. You won't see a throne room inside Brezehome or a collection of display cases with tons of jewelry inside them.


Now the main reason I started this mod was because I loved Bert's Breezehome (see: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8922/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D8922 ) and especially the amazing new ideas he had for displaying and I want to somewhat translate that into my mod. At first I was going to add storage for all special gear (Companions stuff, dark Brotherhood, archmage robes, etc., etc., etc.), artifacts, weapons and so on to everyone of the player houses. But then I realized that would completely ruin the immersion of my mod since it's unrealistic to have a gigantic basement under every house that just so happens to have all the rooms and storage/display possibilities for all the major quest rewards. So I put on my thinking hat and tried to come up with something else.


What do you think of the following idea? Do you think it fits into an immersive mod? Do you like the idea in general and would you download / use it? Or would you prefer if it was put up as a seperate mod? Do you hate it completely?


The mod adds a suitable (immersive) basement to every player home and in one of those basements, the player will notice a faint glow around a small hole in the wall. The player gets the option to investigate further and enlarge the hole using a pickaxe. Once he's done, he'll notice that the faint glow stems from some sort of rune - drawn onto what seems to be the remains of an older wall surrounding the basement. He gets the idea to consult a member of the College of Winterhold and the NPCs there will point him towards Arethor, a former member of the College (a new NPC I'll make).


Arethor will tell the player that his protege used to live in the house and that the rune was once part of a device that allowed his student to quickly travel from his home to his master's workplace, a medium sized dwemer ruin. Arethor will offer the player to purchase the dwemer ruin and, upon sale, will continue to explain that the travel device and everything else in the ruins can be restored to its former functionality.


The player will have to collect five grand soul gems and a special soul gem. I'm planning on a quest to obtain said soul gem. After restoring the energy source the player returns to Arethor, who will let the player know that he's sent for a friend of his, who is capable of renovating the dwemer ruins. (Another new NPC) That friend will be arriving to meet the player just after talking to Arethor. He will offer purchasable renovations for the dwemer ruins similar to the regular house upgrades aswell as the installation of portal devices leading from the dwemer ruins to each of the houses the player has purchased thus far. The renovations will be as follows:


1. Main Hall: a big room with doors to all other rooms; all purchased portals will also be located here

2. Library: A small library with enough shelves to store one sample of each skillbook and spelltome plus two or three additional shelves for any other books the player might want to store.

3. Laboratory: Arcane Enchanter; Alchemy Table; storage for recipes, soul gems, ingredients, etc.

4. Greenhouse: a small room with some planters, some respawning herbs and flowers, bee hives, etc. (the number of ingredients will be limited as it isn't my goal to create a cheat here)

5. Museum / Display Room: medium-sized room with visible displays for all dragon priest masks and dragon claws and purchasable mannequins and display cases (see below*)

6. Armory: two sets of mannequins to display all regular light and heavy armor with two chests for both (each unench. and ench.), display cases / weapon racks for all regular weapons and several staffs, plus one extra mannequin for displaying your favourite armor and some extra room to display your favourite weapons

7. Dungeons: A small cave with four prison cells and an underwater tunnel to exit/enter the dwemer ruins without using a portal


*purchasable mannequins and display cases: The "builder NPC" will offer sets of mannequins / weapon displays for all "official" (meaning anything the regular people of Skyrim would know/notice like Companions, College of Winterhold, all Daedric Artifacts, etc.) special equipment, after completing the respective quest required to obtain said set of armor, artifact or weapon, aswell as up to five individually purchasable mannequins and display cases. Furthermore, after completing their questlines, there will be an NPC in both, the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild, who will offer to add a small, hidden room to the Museum to stylishly display all Dark Brotherhood / Thieves Guild specific gear.


Please let me know what you think. I'd be very glad for any advice / constructive criticism.




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