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Funky Problems with Skyrim and Help with SLI Triple Monitor


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I am getting odd distortions and other issues.


Tree Canopy's That Disappear and Reappear rapidly, Rocks that do the same thing, Shadows in the air and when I look up I see Tree's In the Sky


and the worst thing is the Lazerbeams from No Where:




I am pretty tech savy but this is far beyond anything I know how to solve.







Second Generation i7 Processor-2600K CPU @ 3.40 GHz

16GB DDR3 1866K

ASUS P8Z77-V PRO Motherboard

Desktop Displays: 3x 22'' Monitors Surround Display ENABLED



Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Bit


Game Settings:

Ultra Settings (Default)

Resolution: 1680x1050 single middle display



Modifications of Note:

None, I am currently using NO Modifications that Affect Graphics.


Description of Problem (This is going to be lengthy so I will break it down into sections for simpler troubleshooting):


I. Game Glitches

The Game Issues occur when I am playing normally I will notice a heavy lag spike for a second and then the issues (as posted above) start showing up. These lag spikes are odd considering I am running SLI'ed 560 Ti Cards. But I can get around the effects of this issue temporaraly by tabbing out of my game and tabbing back in. They disappear till the next glitch. I get fluid gameplay normally untill I get a lag spike where these bugs show up.


II. Modding the Game

I have attempted to add something as simple as a Static Mesh Improvement mod to my game and upon doing so suffer a horrible slowness and sometimes it will stay on the loading screen and never enter the game. I can use anything that doesn't effect graphics just fine but I can't use any graphic's enhancement modifications


III. SLI and Triple Monitor Playing

After Forcing the game to play in triple monitors I notice that the game doesn't want to adjust the game to the resolution parameters and studdering and slowness is agian present like if I install a graphics mod.



DLC's in Use:





and The High Res Texture Packs.



If anyone can fix why it seems like the game is treating my computer like it is a Aztec P.O.S please feel free to post.

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Bump and adding a few more pictures to show problems in the game:


Also, I have run boss and cleaned all my files and made sure everything is correct. I am posting the file now




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Bumping and just to clarify THIS IS NOT A SLI ISSUE.


This game is running standard 1680x1050 resolution


My cards are active SLI'ed but I am not using all 3 monitors to run the game.

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Just registered for this.

First i thought its because of all the mods i added to skyrim.

Something that those new models that where add are buggy.


But then i saw this postwhere you say your Skyrim is unmodded.

I have gtx 460 sli and the same grafic bugs :(.


Any solution jet ?


The game ran perfectly fine for many hours, then after i reinsalled and modded it this came up.

Tough the flickering of objects that i have points towards sli problems.

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