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Looking for a "base" script


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I'm new to this.. I've been reading about how to make the scripts, but never saw any examples of what I wanted. Anyways, I just want a "base" script, let's say an "empty" template.



Something like the following:





bool gLookingBehind = false;

if(HoldKey(0x102) && gLookingBehind == false) // Middle Mouse Button
    // Do Something - Set his camera to look back
    gLookingBehind = true;
else if(ReleasedKey(0x102) && gLookingBehind == true) // Middle Mouse Button
    // Do something - Set his camera to normal
    gLookingBehind = false;



I know, the syntax is different, but that's a rough example.



What I'm trying to do is; At any time, the player holds MMB, his camera will turn back, once released, his camera is switched back to normal.


PS: I'm terrible at explaining, so I hope you guys get the idea.

Edited by Malibuz0r
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