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ShowCaravanMenu causes a crash


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I'm trying to fix the "Play Caravan" option in the FalloutNVCheatTerminal. Whenever I click on the option it crashes. The script just does ShowCaravanMenu CaravanDeckRingo 0 .25. Fallout crashes with a 0xC000005 error, which is a null pointer exception, so I tried adding GSRingo.ShowCaravanMenu, but that also crashes.


Any ideas on how to fix this?

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I got it working by using the scripting reference 'RingoRef.' There's no mention of this script counterpart anywhere in the NPC scruct, and it would be really nice to know where all these references are listed instead of trying to find one in a random script.


EDIT: I discovered these reference names are actually entity names the developer gave the NPC when they place them in the map. That makes sense why they're not in the NPC struct.

Edited by gir489
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