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about bat batch file I use to skip Touching the Sky


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Before Dragonborn I tcl my way through all the cell's to the final battle where you get auriel's bow because those games cell's both dark and light with the falmer are to confusing and make me too frazzled and it's like dental work playing through them each time!..


After buying Dragonborn it ctd now at the wayshines, and the wayshrine of learning!..


So sense I cheat my way through the whole touching the sky quest, I decided to make a console command wordpad bat file to skip the quest all together and add all the rewards and necessery word wall you'd learn during that quest!..


Did I do this right or forget anything? my list has the bow and sunburst arrows and rare books and the Ancient Falmer armor and aurial's shield

here's my list so far


player.setstage DLC1VQ07 200

player.additem 02000800 1
player.additem 020098a1 50
player.additem 0201A3E0 1
player.additem 0201A3E1 1
player.additem 0201A3E2 1
player.additem 0201A3E3 1
player.additem 0200284d 1
player.additem 0200c815 1
player.additem 0200c814 1
player.additem 0200c816 1
player.additem 0200c817 1
player.additem 02012d14 1

player.teachword 02008a64

Edited by hard8
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