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[Request] Mind Flayer race.


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Anyone out there with some race making experience feel like making a Mind Flayer race? You know the ones from D&D (I like to play evil characters) - Let me know guys.

I'd be forever thankful if someone get mess around with one for me.


It doesn't need to be too techniqual... just look like a Mind Flayer - its starting abilities can be anything but they favor magic over most things - I tried to do it myself and failed horribly lol.

Edited by Mrdak
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I'm not to worried about the armors lol. Mages dont wear any anyway.

They could use the vampire lord head and then just add a fake effect tentacles on it - that'd look close enough for me. Purple skin shouldn't be to hard as well. And maybe the vanilla werewolf claws, purple as well.

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These are very similar to the seekers from the dragonborn DLC. Maybe someone could make them a playable race or someone could create a race with a normal body and just a modified head mesh taken from the seeker. Sounds messy and would likely have a lot of clipping, but its a thought.

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