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Easy to customize areas?


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Anyone know of any good mods with a cave system easily modified? I want to begin work on my mod, but I'm utterly incapable of building large areas (big enough for a few dragons to be in), so I have to gut either an area all ready in the game, or a mod someone else has made before I can start...


My massive idea here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/455211-large-house-mod-idea/


Will likely never be seen, though I really would like to make it, I just don't have the skill to do it, and due to the scale, will likely never be taken up by anyone.



So what I need is a cave system that can be gutted with minimal effort, if it comes down to it, I'll likely just gut Blackreach if I really have to though that area wasn't designed with ease of use...the place is a maze, and a massive one at that.

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