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What are some absolute must have .ini tweaks for improving FPS?


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I have nvidia GTX650,and I disable ambient occlusion,and set AA,AF,andvsync to use application settings.I also got multisampling in transparency AA,and turn off threaded optimization.Also,in game launcher try setting to ultra,but use 4x AA ,and set 2x or 4x AF.not too big a difference than max,,unless you using some huge screen size.Depending on graphics enhancing mods and quality texture mods,you'll probably wanna drop things lower.My settings I have backed up here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31119 and shows videocard settings,and Skyrim INIs.I stay 45-60 FPS almost everywhere,sometimes drop to 25-30 in a few places.But graphics mods that extend view distance,or use high res textures over 2048,and using tweaks like uGrids higher than default will lower FPS quite a bit if oyu're using a videocard with under 2GB RAM.Hope this helps some.Others will have more tips.

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