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Are non-human followers with the creation kit possible?


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So far, I have been able to make only one non-human follower function, being a werewolf, and I'm fairly certain it was a fluke.

Has anyone had ANY success with creating non-human followers? I have tried to make a Dwemer steam golumn follower and, more recently, a Seeker follower and neither function.

Essentially, I am presented with the same problem regardless of what non-human race I select, minus dogs and apparently werewolves. When you go to approach the follower creature to recruit them, the "[E] Npc'sNameHere" that should come up on your screen simply doesn't appear.

I have taken a dog follower NPC, duplicated it, and then changed the race. As soon as you change the race to anything non-human or non-canine, the "[E] Npc'sNameHere" ceases to appear.

Anyone know what causes this to happen? Did Bethesda intend for this to happen, is it a bug in origin, or perhaps something else?
I have searched absolustely everywhere for answers or information on this and have come up with nothing. I have found one other person with this issue, using a Falmer as a follower, and his [E] was also not showing up when he tried to recruit his follower. Again, he didn't end up sorting out the issue and only got two or so responses wishing him luck.

Edited by Oneirophobia
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the race you're using isn't allowed to have dialogue with the player (its a tickbox on the race edit form)

Make a copy of the race you want to use, then tick the AllowPCDialogue box and use your copied race instead.


the script that causes it to be a follower uses OnActivate so it should still follow you if you E click it

Edited by cscottydont
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the race you're using isn't allowed to have dialogue with the player (its a tickbox on the race edit form)

Make a copy of the race you want to use, then tick the AllowPCDialogue box and use your copied race instead.


the script that causes it to be a follower uses OnActivate so it should still follow you if you E click it

You are a frigging saviour. You have helped not only me but dozens of future modders looking to make non-traditional followers.


I would buy you a drink if I could. Thank you!

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