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An extraordinary lack of courtesy


Was the response received by Ebony Smuggler necessary/worth it?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Was the response received by Ebony Smuggler necessary/worth it?

    • Yes
    • No
    • You want some yourself Alfi?

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This morning while reading some of the posts and threads made since last night I came across this one posted in the Off-Topic zone. This would not have normally gained my attention, as it seemed to be typical newbie fodder, but the last post was made by Peregrine, and that meant it was locked.


As I read through some of the responses my curiosity quickly turned to disgust. The dressing down that Ebony got was, I think, uncalled for and undeserved. As was stated in that thread by Dagger of Symachus, a more appropriate response would have been to politely inform him that such behavior (while not against the TOS) is poorly tolerated. Perhaps Atti or who ever else on the dev team Ebony PM'd had more cause to complain, although I would like to point out that when I was more a newbie than I am now I took the liberty of PM-ing the devs and they could not have been nicer or more helpful. I have only since learned that such a thing is taboo.


Ebony had enthusiasm, which I can appreciate. But to so malisciously knock him down just for trying to share his enthusiasm about Morrowind (especially in the OTZ, where making posts do not add to your post count, and hence could hardly be called spam) is just sad.


I will not call those who did it any names; they have been part of this forum much longer than I, and perhaps they feel justified in what they did. But I hope that there is enough decency on this forum that they at least in some small part repent in what they did.


Guys, you give new meaning to the term "Forum Vigilante".



/A. VanDorssen III




I have reposted this poll at the request of Marxist male without a father; please disregard the original, or if you are a moderator, please delete it.


/A. V.

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I really think it is unfair to behave like this against noobs. I can not tell really, of course, since when I was a noob, I didn't behave like a noob (OK, when I came on this forum, I already had some experience; and I am a rather cautious person, especially when I am at a new place). But still I think it is rude to just do such things towards people even when they behave like noobs. It is not their fault that they are noobs. Instead we should try to help them and remind them (politly) how to behave correctly.


I don't know about the maturity of people around here, meaning their age. But still I think age is not an excuse to behave like this. I am 18 and I do not act like an turkey. And I think you can act mature even when you are not mature considering your age. It is just a matter of training and discipline.


What some people just did to Ebony is what some elder children do to younger children, I've seen it happen more than enough, I was even a victim of such assaults myself. I don't know why some kids just have fun in terrorizing and assaulting others. OK, there are also adults which do that, but still I can not understand such a behavior.


Perhaps it is just human to behave like this, I don't know. But then I wouldn't be human, right? There is something called "être humain" and the immature behavior some just showed doesn't fit this category. I personally think, humain behavior would be to help others, not to mob them only because your under emotional stress and your hormons are going up the roof (then that is the reason why most people act in such ways, they need to mob someone else, since they are not in controll of their own life). Perhaps I wasn't the average teenager, but I remember to have been always disgusted by such people and I still am.

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Indeed. I was simply out of line. Never again will I poke fun at a stereotype -- the unrealistic, belligerent, and self-absorbed shell of a man that Ebony Smugger himself even agreed to abandoning after seeing the road he was headed down -- for a cheap laugh.


I believe that we should all be thankful that we are in the presence of these people, who are surely kings among men:





Dagger of Symachus


Before you are the names of the most noble that MWSource has to offer.


Mrpyromania, for instance, was so noble that he did not give into the temptation to turn to forum vigilanteism when he saw something that distressed him and instead reported this atrocity of a thread to the proper authorities. We should be thankful that this spectacle of a man even ignored a previous incident -- where he was in need of help and a preson such as Ebony Smuggler, one Dro'Frazir, simply insulted him -- when he was busy deciding what he believes is right, and, by extension, what he is firmly convinced that the rest of the forum should believe is right. A grateful forum thanks you, and knows how right you were in turning your back on the one person willing to help you in the aforementioned incident.


And now we see vandorssen, another shining beacon of nobility. This man is of such astounding caliber that he has been greeting people to these forums ever since he, himself was a n00b -- it is no wonder that he chose this excellent cause to fight for. Just listen to this heartfelt greeting, given on 11 March 2004, twelve days after the thread was started:


A Very Noble Man:




I too have been on this forum for only a short period of time, and already I have learned a lot.


Using common courtesy and good comportment will get you far. Also, try to use the English language as best you can; of course, for many on this forum, English is a second tongue (in particular, my friends from the North in Canada, eh!), and they may be excused. But good spelling and good grammar better help to convey your real meaning.


Also, don’t be afraid to ask a question. The only meaningless question is the one not asked. But before you begin posting “When is MEMod being released?”, please do yourself a favor and use the search function. The moderators (and the other forum users in general) greatly dislike the same query over and over, and will most certainly resort to pointing out the question was answered elsewhere, along with a warning not to engage in such behavior.


And as others have said before, please read carefully over the rules and regulations governing this forum. They do spell out quite clearly what is and is not acceptable.


Other than that, sit back, relax, and have fun.


...Now let us thank this outstanding man for his charity once more, in helping another member learn the forum's rules on the third of June, 2004:


A Very Noble Man:




I too have been on this forum for only a short period of time, and already I have learned a lot.


Using common courtesy and good comportment will get you far. Also, try to use the English language as best you can; of course, for many on this forum, English is a second tongue (in particular, those cool dudes from Jamaica, Man!), and they may be excused. But good spelling and good grammar better help to convey your real meaning.


Also, don’t be afraid to ask a question. The only meaningless question is the one not asked. But before you begin posting “When is MEMod being released?”, please do yourself a favor and use the search function. The moderators (and the other forum users in general) greatly dislike the same query over and over, and will most certainly resort to pointing out the question was answered elsewhere, along with a warning not to engage in such behavior.


And as others have said before, please read carefully over the rules and regulations governing this forum. They do spell out quite clearly what is and is not acceptable.


Other than that, sit back, relax, and have fun.


...And let us thank him for the seventeen threads he has replied to in the Newbies forum between those times, each one responded to with the same heartfelt message. Indeed, it takes a great man to give that much respect to those who are new to the forums, even if it means insulting those members of the forums that contribute meaningful information. Let us also admire another facet of this man's nobility: in the first version of this thread, he had blocked any additional responses, meaning that the thread was, and would forever continue to be, just a poll and his post. Indeed, it takes a man of great nobility to start a thread in the Debates forum and ensure that only his point of view would be seen.


Now let us look upon another great example of all that is good and right with the world. Kmfccall adheres quite strictly to the definition of courage and honor, and truly deserves our respect. Indeed, it takes an honorable and corageous man to order a recently closed discussion opened again, if only so that he can insult some members of the forums and then close it soon afterward. Indeed, it takes great courage to insult people with the assurance that they will not strike back. Kmfccall, did you happen to notice the MEMod symbol that many of the people you insulted bore? Did you not also notice that you bear the same symbol? It takes great honor and nobility to insult the people whose labor you will be taking the fruit of. Indeed, Ebony Smuggler will never see this again as a welcoming place -- a place of honorable people -- but you certainly helped him see the other side of these forums by your example.


And last, but not least, let us look upon the most noble of all these men: Dagger of Symachus. One can simply look upon his name and realize his intelligence. We have all submitted to hypocrisy at one point in time, but a true man of nobility resists this all-too-human fault, as Dagger of Symachus has done. He was completelty justified in looking down upon his brothers for thinking themselves superior to someone who has drawn nothing but contempt since the day he has come here. Also, he was right in telling us to report the thread to a moderator instead of directing our hatred at a sterotype and thus submitting to forum vigilanteism. If only we had listened to him before -- he would've certainly steered us right by avoiding this temptation as he has done so in this incident. Also, he is completely right in saying we must be more mature -- if only he could've called us "vulking assholes" before, so that we could see the error of our ways!

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I have tried to be reasonable with you in our PM's. You have been belligerent and uncouth all day and it does not become you.


Where is the mention of Switch, Cmac, or others in your listing of repetitive greetings. Some of us at least have the decency to greet these new members and not stomp on them like an ogre.


You are the model for a forum bully, as they're called, today and you are making a fool of yourself. The unimpeachable Marxist male without a father, who does nothing wrong and tries to make good with sarcastic responses. Lo! Let me and the above sinners be redeemed for trying to make a new member feel welcome! Perhaps Dark One should refuse all new members access to keep the forums pure of this "new blood".


Have you changed your opinion on the matter, MB? This sarcasm thing must work if Marxist male without a father the Almighty can use it so well.




One of the best rings I found in the game ws in the Sheogarad region on an island in an Ancestral Tomb. It's been awhile since I've found it, it's called the Ring of Manarra I believe.  I can't even remember the stats, something like 50% resist magicka and hp regen.



Marara's Ring (ring_marara_unique)

Value: 22000

Weight: 0.10

Marara's Boon

Resist Normal Weapons 40%

Fortify Acrobatics 10 Points

Reflect 20%


My favorite...


Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw (helm_bearclaw_unique)

Value: 250000

Weight: 10.00

Health: 900

Armor Rating: 90

Oreyn's Courage

Fortify Agility 40 Points

Fortify Endurance 40 Points


...aquired from the completion of Malacath's Quest. This quest is started in a Daedric shrine to the daedroth in West Sheogorath.


MB's first post on this forum... How useless and newbie-ish was this post? Why, he should have been berated and abused for it, should he not?

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Switch and Cmac give canned greetings, yes, but they also have a great history of helping people. They also read the threads, and give advice and feedback on the information given, in additon to the canned stuff. IIRC, you responded to Evien's n00b thread with the exact same greeting. I also find it... Hrm... "Noble" of you to only read the originating country of those you are now defending with such passion now, if even that.


Additionally, I never said I do no wrong -- I was simply bringing attention to the great nobility of those who accuse me and other forum members of being childish for simply having a little fun.


...And it's funny that you should include my first post here -- one in which I corrected another member, added my opinion to a subject, and added a good deal of information to the discussion. What do you want from a first post other than that? Heart?

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Now that is interesting. You are accusing vandorssen but not me, even when I share his oppinion. My conclusion is therefore that your oppinion is not objective, but purely subjective and directed against vandorssen (which is the reason for your "oppinion"). If you have a personal problem with vandorssen, please resolve this somewhere else and contribute something useful to the discussion. It is not that I am against different oppinions, it is only that I do not like subjective oppinions which are hidden in objectivity.
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Darnoc, you share his views, yes -- so do Duke Vedam Dren and a number of other people, I'm sure. However, they haven't made personal attacks against those involved. They didn't throw the first stone. This is in stark contrast to the members of the forum's nobility.


This isn't subjective objectivity or whatnot, this is good old-fashioned tolerance.

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Indeed I mean not to necessarily defend newbies with any sort of passion; I only mean to indicate what the majority seem to regard as poor behavior on the part of someone who should know better. I don't care who made the original post. It is inexcusable to jump down a person's throat for merely posting an innocuous thread. Did that thread personally offend you so much that you felt it necessary to help precipitate the exile of someone that did not even have a chance? Is it forbidden to speak of Morrowind related subjects on this Morrowind forum?


And after a comment from Cmac, I have changed the greetings I use. Interesting that for all your research you failed to uncover that.


You've failed me MB... You really have. I will consider nothing more you have to say. I guess a bully is as a bully does. Further, where, in the original posting, did I make a personal attack against you, or single you out (aside from saying I reposted this thread at your request)?


/A. VanDorssen




Moderators, unless MB has something else to say lock this thread. I have, unfortunately, proved my point, and have nothing more to say on the matter.



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Marxist ßastard how would you like it if you came on to a forum and you where treated like that. I mean the guy was only trying to break the ice around here. I know my post count isn't very high but i've been checking these forums for nearly a year. So if i dont post very much am i going to be treated as a newb as well?
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