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CTD with SkyrimTuner setup


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Hello everyone, I recently built a gaming pc with running a heavily modded Skyrim in mind. I used SkyrimTuners visual setup and a few other mods from his list. I started getting CTD and it just kept getting worse over time. To the point where I couldn't even finish the start area without it crashing at least once. Seems to mainly crash when opening to loot, or actually taking loot, but I've also had it crash while entering/exiting a house or dungeon and one time it crashed when jumping into the water near Whiterun.


I'm not running any DLC, just the vanilla game and my specs are:

Windows 7 64 bit

I5 3570k @ stock (3.4ghz)

Sapphire 7970 3GB Boost OC edition @ 1050 / 1500

8GB DDR3 memory @ 1600mhz



The mods I used are:

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Towns

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Misc

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_6 FULL - Riften

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Ruins Clutter Improvement HD by raiserfx

Detailed Rugs by raiserfx

Skyrim Flora Overhaul v171 Hi-Res

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Pine Colors

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Aspen Colors

Lush Grass - Lush Grass 1-4-1

AOF Detailed Mountains 2_1

high realistic tundra moss for AOF Detailed Mountains - high realistic tundra moss AOF yellow

W.A.T.E.R. - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux, +reduced splash +watery rocks

Dramatic Clouds Ultra

Finer Dust

Realistic Smoke and Embers - RSE High v1_4

Enhanced Lights and FX - Enhanced Lights and FX

Enhanced Lights and FX - SMIM Meshes

Realistic Lighting Overhaul by Sydney666 and Daemonui, setting for Enhanced Lighting and FX

HD Enhanced Terrain - Type 2 Old but best

Real Ice by Yuril, Classic + Parallax

Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack, Standard setting

Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack - Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack

83Willows 101BUGs V4_1 HighResolution

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1_MORE_DIRT

No More Ugly Bronze Shine - No More Ugly Bronze Shine ver 1001001

All in One Face v4_0b Face Pack for UNP body

ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_4_Full

DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2

mmersive Armors - Immersive Armors v6

Immersive Armors - UNP Support for Immersive Armors v6

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1_MORE_DIRT

UNP Female armors 2_1

UNP Female boot pack

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks - WIC Cloaks 2_1b

Rapid Fire perk

Dragonbone Weapons complete

Lightweight potions and poisons

Kill them generals


I've uninstalled everything except for a few mods and I've not had a crash yet:

All in One Face v4_0b Face Pack for UNP body

ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_4_Full

DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2

mmersive Armors - Immersive Armors v6

Immersive Armors - UNP Support for Immersive Armors v6

UNP Female armors 2_1

UNP Female boot pack

Rapid Fire perk

Dragonbone Weapons complete

Lightweight potions and poisons

Kill them generals


I really love the way the game looks with all the visual mods installed, it feels like a whole new game. Any idea on what mod might be the problem? Or am I just going to have to install one at a time until I find the one that causes the crash? Also, I don't think it could be a Vram problem but I have not checked the usage while playing.


Thanks for your time.



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did you use SFO 1.71 in purpose to use lush grass? because they don't work together now even patched, i'm using SFO 0.177 now which require ini' setting for the grass.

it's weird, because you're rig is enough powerfull to run 2x those textures and you're not using the standard buggy mods :D, but i've had a issue long ago, with Skyrim 2k hd, whiterun trees, SFO + water etc.. you must install them in order, see, install all terrain then sfo (if you have no reason to keep v171 upgrade, it's much beautiful) then w.a.t.e.r, for me it solved the CTD'S i have around citys

for the lightning, the RLO team make a wonderfull work to patch every single place for ELFX or COT so no problem here.

what enb are you using?


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did you use SFO 1.71 in purpose to use lush grass? because they don't work together now even patched, i'm using SFO 0.177 now which require ini' setting for the grass.

it's weird, because you're rig is enough powerfull to run 2x those textures and you're not using the standard buggy mods :biggrin:, but i've had a issue long ago, with Skyrim 2k hd, whiterun trees, SFO + water etc.. you must install them in order, see, install all terrain then sfo (if you have no reason to keep v171 upgrade, it's much beautiful) then w.a.t.e.r, for me it solved the CTD'S i have around citys

for the lightning, the RLO team make a wonderfull work to patch every single place for ELFX or COT so no problem here.

what enb are you using?


Yea I used them both together, I just went down the install list for SkyrimTuner because it said to install them in that order. I noticed that SkyimTuner has launched an updated version that also uses his/her own enb, so I just did a fresh install of Skyrim and now I'm in the process of getting all the mods back from this list: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936


Hoping this fixes the issue. I guess I won't install lush grass if that and SFO don't work together, I'll just stick with the most recent SFO. Thanks for the reply and I'll update soon with hopefully good news.

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Yea I used them both together, I just went down the install list for SkyrimTuner because it said to install them in that order. I noticed that SkyimTuner has launched an updated version that also uses his/her own enb, so I just did a fresh install of Skyrim and now I'm in the process of getting all the mods back from this list: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936


Hoping this fixes the issue. I guess I won't install lush grass if that and SFO don't work together, I'll just stick with the most recent SFO. Thanks for the reply and I'll update soon with hopefully good news.

i'm sure it will be good, lush grass isn't really required now with the last Vurt update, don't forget to apply the ini's setting recommended in the Enb description page as well.

take care with all the mod list, you have to check sometimes the mods one by one to see if there aren't discontinued or not updated.

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Just thought I'd post an update. I figured out that it was an overlooked patch that I needed that was causing the CTD. I used the SFW underwear patch for the UNP mod and that can cause CTD, there is a patch that fixes that. Ever since I installed that patch and all the other mods from the SkyrimTuner, everything has been running great. Just got done with a 3 hour test and didn't have one crash. Temps on processor and GPU were fine and Vram usage peaked right at 2gb. So maybe now I can finally give my F5 key a much needed break.

Edited by maulty
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