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blay12 - BANNED

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blay12 banned.

Ban evasion
Unsubstantiated aggressively criticising another member's content solely based on personal dislikes and in order to troll a mod author

Previously banned accounts
xBirds, banned 08 Sep 2020, 12:03PM
xBirds2, banned 08 Sep 2020, 12:03PM

Comments (excerpt)

19 September 2020 - 03:34 PM
This would have been a pretty neat mod if the quest like wasn't written by a 9 year old
- The questline is unnecessarily long and makes no sense. Apparitions? Mandatory arena championship to get a couple of lumber? Slaves in elder scrolls? Literal prostitutes in elders scrolls...? Random vigilantism...? I am rebuilding a goddamn town, i don't care, this should be a side quest!
- 2 critical glitches (reinhardt despawned after arena and the last bandit slaver wasn't there, couldn't fix it) killed all the playthrough.
- The prostitutes are dressed like Nocturnal. That's just too much
- After bribing some prostitute, questioning her and killing her, i couldn't loot the gold i used to bribe her. Why?
- OK's. Really ruin the immersion, and all there is to do is just replace all OK's to alright's, but no, the writer apparently never played an a elder scrolls game in his entire life
On the bright side:
- Cool new dungeons
- Decent voice actors
What a waste of good voice actors and cell designers

27 September 2020 - 12:32 AM
Since some crybaby deleted my post, because he couldn't tolerate objective criticism, i will write it all over again and make it a little more child-friendly:
-Cool Dungeons
-Decent voiceactors
-Neat player home
-"Great story and characters" Story makes no sence and is unnesesarily long. I am rebuilding a town, not trying to deal as much damage to the Thalmor as i can, it's blades' work
-Slavery in elder scrolls. Since explaining why it doesn't belong here would make the post child-unfriendly and i would be fined 40k$ by COPPA and banned from Nexus, so i'll just hope you have enough knowledge to understand this point.
-A literal thothouse in elder scrolls. Now, what the hell?
-OK's. "OK" was originated as american slang for "alright", and it was never ever used in an elder scrolls game, because there's no America. Why are OK's used here? This is not just a minor complaint, it really ruins the immersion
-Dialogues are sometimes simply idiotic, even when there are no OK's.
-Names. For example, Korst - how is this a name from an elder scrolls game? https://insane0hflex...sNameGenerator/
-Bugs. I haven't played a large-sized mod without any bugs or bug-like issues, but 2 different softlocks back to back?
-"*username*'s meticulous attention to detail" The main quest includes a mission where you have to get information from a thot. One of the options is bribing (1500 septims, are you for real). After doing this, nothing prevents you from killing her, but you can't loot the gold from her corpse. Other patrons of the inn don't care about a thot getting murdered, and they don't care when they are murdered one by one (i just wanted to see what happens). Also, the inn is strangely-shaped: the innkeeper is in a random room and nothing hints that the innkeeper is there, and the tavern is shaped like a jarlhouse. Lastly, the inn is in the middle of a swamp. If this is for being secret, how about actually starting the thothouse in a cave?
-Really bothersome setup. Probably unavoidable issue when you are trying to do things with helgen, but in this case it's just another nail in the coffin

What i will say next may be child-unfriendly, but there is no other way to conclude: i am absolutely certain that whoever wrote the scenario and dialogues for this mod didn't even finish the skyrim main quest. Or maybe he never even heard about skyrim in the first place, perhaps?
Edited by blay12, 27 September 2020, 12:34 AM.

27 September 2020 - 11:08 AM
Never before in an elder scrolls game OK was said. It belongs in fallouts, but not in elder scrolls. I was promised attention to details. Are you even serious?
Edited by blay12, 27 September 2020, 01:48 PM.

Pertaining mod

Last updated 06 December 2016 1:18AM, original upload 05 December 2016 2:30AM, 680,953 total downloads, 18,815 endorsements, last endorsement given 28 September 2020, 6:35AM

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