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Any level designers interested in designing a dungeon for a Quest Mod?


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At the moment I am making a Quest Mod; the Consulate, as a potential premise to another Quest mod; the Last Tear. I'm hoping for someone with experience in level design would be willing and able to help in the creation of a particular dungeon-to allow me more time to complete the rest of the mod, as well as to offer a greater level of quality for this specific dungeon.


The quest for this dungeon is one of three paths for a quest to increase the security of the Temple in Raven Rock (which is a Side Quest in the Mod), in which the player may choose to recover (as opposed to craft) a powerful staff, the Staff of Souls, from a Necromancer. This staff has entrapped within it the being of an Ancient Vampire of the Aundae Clan, which has overpowered and slain the necromancer, and stalks this dungeon. I would like this dungeon to be designed so that the player must navigate it without encountering in combat the Ancient Vampire or her phantom conjurations. This dungeon also must be on Solstheim. Otherwise, there are no other specifications-it may be a Cave, Nordic Ruin or Imperial fort. If this sounds like something you would be interested in and capable of doing, please comment or PM me and we can discuss the conditions of this assistance.

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