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Greetings to All,


  • I am interested in altering the weaponsproperties to match realism as close as I can.
  • I am also hoping that others might be able to view this thread as a resource of sorts, where the information is presented cleanly.
  • As such, I will be numbering each of my questions, and giving the simplest way to present it I can think of.
  • If you would be so kind as to answer in these regards
  • Ensuring the Question number is easily seen and listed first
  1. identifying which question you are anwering by number
  2. list the field or object name, in other words since I am a layman <field/objectname="XXXXXXX" where X=the name ie. "FireStrategyProperties"
  3. If the desired effect requires more than one variable change, please list all known effects and changes ie. to adjust bullet spread, you need to alter it in "Bulletspread_ironsights" , "bulletspread_crouch" etc etc.
  4. If a larger/smaller number indicates a greater/lesser effect
  5. If it is taken as a percentage (1=100% , .75=75% etc etc)
  • If you are looking to have a similar question answered, please do not make a new post, the question has already been posted and when an answer is givin, it will be updated as such
  • I understand some may seem straightforward, but please for the sake of someone ignorant possibly trying to modify weapons (likely myself) please assume that a fairly in depth and direct answer may be required.
  • I have located the correct files to alter the player weapons and NPC weapons.

My next post will be a listing of things I am looking to alter. It may take me a while to compile them. I will also try to keep questions that have been answered labeled as such, so as not to have redundant posts.


I will be putting up some questions I already have the answer to but others may not. I will answer them if i can.

Edited by Zerix
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