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The download file is a weird format


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ive tried to download several mod files (the most recent being the SkyrimHD 1.5) and everytime i download a file it ends up being in a weird format with a bunch of numbers or a description with .7z at the end. I am not able to open this mod file up or anything. It just shows a picture of a blank piece of paper on my desktop. The picture below is what the file looks like every time.




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The numbers at the end of the filename have to do with the site keeping track of the files. If you look in the URL of the mod's page, that same number should be there (I think). As far as the .7z, that is the file format. It is an archive that you need a special program to open and extract, something like WinRAR or IZArc or (my favorite) 7-zip. You may also encounter files of the type .RAR or .zip, though these seem to be relatively uncommon compared with the .7z format (though my understanding of these things is not sufficient to know why that is). You may find This Page to be useful.

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