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FalloutNV: Trading.


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I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if FNV wasn't entirely cap based? Well, just imagine if you had an item worth 500 caps. And a travelling merchant had an item that was either 500 caps, or less. Wouldnt it be nice to be able to trade you're current item for that item? The reasoning is, we all know there is more useful things to put points into than barter. So, I was just saying that I'd rather trade than have to bring up my barter skill.


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But doesn't the barter system work that way already? I know you can trade an item to a vendor if they don't have enough caps, it just means you won't get full value. And then you can take stuff from them to equal the value or less, and the trade should work. Or have I just not played in so long that I don't remember how things work?

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I agree with Grib on this one, thats exactly what I was thinking myself when I first read the post.

The best thing that could be done here, in order to force that idea of trading items would be using a few mods that do 3 things:

-Severly reduce the amount of caps that vendors carry

-Increase the quality of their wares

-Makes their profit margins higher... I'm ot entirely sure how he did it, but PuceMoose released a plugin that affects the buying rates that traders will offer you while still keeping their own prices high, so that'd probs be the best place to start, the other bits can adusted manually fairly easily.

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