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Non-used buildings?


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Hey, im not good at the CS, i can really only edit indoor tiles. I was wondering if there are any non-used/abandoned houses in the game that i could edit to make my own. You know, a building out in the wild that isnt connected to a quest or npc.


If not, are there any mods here that might give such a building?

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There are lots of buildings downtown that have no entrances, and no interiors. All you'd have to do is create your interior, make a door inside, and then find a spot on one of the unused building exteriors where you can place a door that links to your inside.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice which forum this was posted in. Oblivion doesn't have as many abandoned buildings as Fallout does, so my comment isn't very useful to you.

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Generally, almost every building in Oblivion is either already in use by the game, or other mods. If you are wanting to add a new interior, your best bet is either just inserting a door somewhere along the building walls in IC, and ignoring the relationship between inside and outside, or making a new building exterior somewhere, and making an interior to go with it.


Even as far as putting in new buildings in new locations go, you kinda have some limitations depending on what other mods you are using. The number of open, practical locations in Tamriel is rather limited, which is why some have started showing interest in mods which add new areas that can be used in modding.

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Here's a




about half way down on this page, at section, it discusses door placement. You probably would benefit from the entire tutorial if you start at the beginning though, which can be found by going to the left menu and selecting main page, then from there, beginners tutorial. I'm sure that you will find you already have figured out some of the info that it teaches, but you most likely will become an expert in the cs, if you study this tutorial well.

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