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Please Help Me With Existing Bodyslides


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Hey guys!

I am working on converting a replacer mod to standalone for personal use and I am very happy with my progress sofar!

I changed the locations of meshes and textures by creating a subfolder and everything works nice BUT I have a big problem with the Bodyslide presets of the original mod!

I dont know what I have to do to make it apply to my standalone mod and not overwhrite the whole vanilla meshes! Does someone know how can I change the path of the sliders to the new subfolder location?

I can stlll drag and drop them to the right location after Bodyslide use and then rebuild vanilla meshes again but its just sooo cluncky and I am someone who changes body shape nearly daily.

Please somebody help me.


NVM: I got it!

If in the future someone else needs this too all you have to do is: editing the output data in all the .osp files in your slidersets folder. You can do it all in one go with notepad + +! Just press CTRL+H and go on the 3rd tab you can pick the line that should be replaced and the new path and also the folder that it should be applied to.

Edited by FriendlyNPC
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