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The best perk mod?


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Hi guys


after waiting for Dragonborn to come out, i wanted to start a new run at Skyrim, and this time try something new

for that, i looked at many of the awesome mods here on the Nexus, and got many that i never got to use or just decided against using in the past

still, i am left with a bit of a conflict


there are several well made and well recieved perk enhancment mods around, and i wanted to hear your opinion as to which one is best, so that i can decide which one to use

currently, my main conflict is between these two mods: ACE - Combat SKills: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 VS SPERG: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24445


I wanted to hear which one is your favorite, and if you recommend some other mod, i would love to hear about this as well

I just really want a unique experience this time, and i have tried ACE before and enjoyed it, but i am going for a different type of character so i'm not sure which mod is better for me


Thanks in advance for every tip\comment

Love you all, and have an awesome gaming and modding year



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  • 3 weeks later...

ACE combat skills sounds like a great mod.Just installed it. However it doesn't include Pickpocket & lockpick perk changes as well as any cooking changes. Would anyone suggest good mods for balancing them ?

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  • 2 months later...

ACE combat skills sounds like a great mod.Just installed it. However it doesn't include Pickpocket & lockpick perk changes as well as any cooking changes. Would anyone suggest good mods for balancing them.



ACE combat skills sounds like a great mod.Just installed it. However it doesn't include Pickpocket & lockpick perk changes as well as any cooking changes. Would anyone suggest good mods for balancing them ?

I had to replace requiem today, because the guy abandoned it, and i went with ace. I spent hours looking which would be best for those things it doesnt change. I found these to be the best.http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28418/? lockpicking sneak and pick pocket, and this for cooking and alchemy http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11481/?

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