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Regarding respawning


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I was just experimenting with the GECK and trying to make a new creature spawn somewhere by itself, so first i created a new creature in the creature list called CrSupermutantTitan, basically scalling a behemoth up and giving it new stats + no knockdown/respawn.


Then I tested the creature by placing it in the world and it was there in game, but it didn't respawn after I kill it.


Next I tried to create a lvl list to spawn that creature (I don't know if this is right) by making new creature in the "leveled creature" catagory. I created a VarSupermutantTitan and used only the CrSupermutantTitan in its list, when I made a EnchSupermutantTitan and put the VarSupermutantTitan in that list.

Then I went to creature section of geck again and created a new "LvlSupermutantTitan" item that uses actor base "EnchSupermutantTitan" and checking all d flags under that. Then I dragged it into the render window and placed it where I want it to be...An M and an arrow just like in d tutorial...


But it didn't work...d game crashed. :wallbash: Can someone enlighten me on this respawning creature procedure?


I am using Mart's Mutant Mod (MMM) to increase spawns, but I don't want it to affect this creature's respawn property as respawning 1 of it will be already very tough.


Any help would be appreciated :thanks: , and I am Very new to the modding or editing, so sorry if this question seems stupid. :unsure:


EDIT: don't know if this is part of d problem, but after d above changes when I close the GECK some warning will pop up saying something about marker and some numbers like 00 42 00 or something and when I click yes to all of them the GECK closes normally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK LOL dam i feel so stupid...I finally figured it out...I over complictated things =.= :wallbash:


So can someone remove this thread please



Don't feel stupid just make a reply explaining what you did for the next guy or gal out there that is having the problem and CAN'T figure it out like you did

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