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SKSE Installer


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A mod that grabs the latest SKSE version AND installs it automatically in the right place in your steam folder, Places SKSE loader icon right on your desktop to start your game. No going to the skse site .....no digging in your folders.....no worring about SKSE updates.....this mod does it all !


Makes running a heavily modded game a breeze !

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This would be easy for me to make, but I imagine it would see some resistance from the developers of SKSE solely because they want to be "in charge" of distribution of their own software. Nevertheless, the main reason why I hate SKSE is because it's too difficult to install. It's not difficult to install; it is just relatively too difficult, and it alienates a lot of players from installing your mod, especially if it's hosted on Steam Workshop. I refuse to ever make a mod that requires SKSE. Edited by n00neimp0rtant
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SKSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod. This rules out having NMM automatically install it without a major rewrite of the NMM program. It is not difficult to install, just different from mods. SKSE works outside of the game - and so does NMM.


It may be possible to write a program that does auto install SKSE. However - it would have to be rewritten every time SKSE was updated. Meaning that instead of waiting one or two days for the new version of SKSE to be released after a new version of Skyrim. You would be waiting the 2 days for the SKSE team to release their update, then another 2 days for the autoinstall maker to update their program also.


If you would like to make an autoinstaller - how about contacting the SKSE team? They are usually very easy to get along with and welcome constructive suggestions.


And Bethesda often doesn't bother to tell anyone - including the SKSE team when they are going to release a new version in advance. If you have a problem with how long it takes to get a new working version of SKSE - please take them up with Bethesda.


Until the release of NMM, the only way to install mods the manual way - download into a folder, unzip the downloaded file, copy the various parts of the mod into the game folders they need to go into, then activating the mod - and hoping you didn't make any mistakes. Compared to mods, SKSE (and it's predecessors OBSE and FOSE) were simple. Copy a few files to where the instructions said. then, ALWAYS start the game using the Script extender instead of the vanilla game launcher. :dry:


The exact step by step instructions are inside the SKSE zipped folder - if you follow those it is simple

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SKSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod. This rules out having NMM automatically install it without a major rewrite of the NMM program. It is not difficult to install, just different from mods. SKSE works outside of the game - and so does NMM.


It may be possible to write a program that does auto install SKSE. However - it would have to be rewritten every time SKSE was updated. Meaning that instead of waiting one or two days for the new version of SKSE to be released after a new version of Skyrim. You would be waiting the 2 days for the SKSE team to release their update, then another 2 days for the autoinstall maker to update their program also.


I'm going to go off-topic here for a few paragraphs so that I can vent about SKSE. I have nothing against what SKSE does, how it works, the functionality it adds, the design choices made by its development team, nor the developers themselves. SKSE is a process that spawns a child process, Skyrim, and hooks into it and, to put it into layman's terms, adds extra "buttons and knobs" to the scripting engine for modders to play with in their scripts, and it does a very good job of this. The issue that I have is rooted in the concept of what SKSE aims to do and the inborn problems that come with it.


Foremost are the obvious technical hurdles. SKSE only loads into the game if launched from the SKSE executable. This means you have to use a custom desktop shortcut to run it, which makes it impossible to use with Steam's shiny new Big Picture mode, and the only way around this is to modify SKSE in a hex editor. Which, of course, you have to do over again if either Skyrim OR SKSE gets an update. This is obscene.


Because of the nature of SKSE, it is installed in a much different way than other mods. You can't just Subscribe to it in Steam Workshop. The appeal of Steam Workshop is that you don't have to be a Hyper Nerd to enjoy what the modding scene has to offer. By making your mod rely on SKSE, you are alienating all of these non-tech-savvy individuals. A more severe crime would be submitting an SKSE-dependent mod to the Workshop instead of a more hardcore network like Nexus, potentially causing yourself and others the headache of crashes, corrupt save files, and telling people over and over, "no, you have to go manually install this other thing or else it won't work"


Then there's the more transcendent issues: if Bethesda isn't giving modders access to a certain variable, maybe the modders shouldn't try to go and f*#@ with it anyway? Don't get me wrong--I am a "mod everything, totally, to the fullest extent" kind of person--but perhaps there is a saner approach. Bethesda encourages suggestions for the Creation Kit on the Creation Kit itself. But because of the existence of SKSE, I can no longer go on the Creation Kit forums and make a post like, "Hey, how can I get the size of a soul trapped in a soul gem? Oh, there's no variable for that? Gee, Bethesda should really consider adding that function! Maybe if we suggest it enough, it will happen." without being told "just use SKSE dude it already has that."


SKSE, for the most part, does its job very well. I have had no issues with mods relying on it (other than issues with the mods themselves). Its core flaw is that it is both unwieldy to install and annoying to update, but once it's all set up, it's great. Unfortunately, it's not possible to resolve this flaw without the obsolescence of SKSE itself by Bethesda. Until that happens, I guess my Dwemer Transvection Vessels will only be able to use fully-filled soul gems and not partially-filled ones, because I refuse to impose SKSE on people who just want to enjoy my mods.

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