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Fallout 3 Mod Listing


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Hello, so after wiping and reinstalling FO3 for the third time :wallbash: and having to search through the hundreds of mods to find what I want,, I have decided to start making up a list to all of them I plan on downloading. These are the mods I am interested in, everyone's opinion will be different. If you have any you want placed on here, post up a link and I`ll try it out and see if it makes the cut. If I made any mistakes or you feel any of these mods blow, just speak up.


These mods will cover all areas of the game, I`ll split them up into categories and try to keep it organized. And get FOMM it makes everything so much easier


The only guidelines I have, are that the mods aren't overpowered or totally off the wall.


Game Balance - These fix many on the problems with the vanilla FO3, Not compatible with one another


Falloiut 3 Balance Overhaul - This is what I am currently using. It is a pack of various game fixes, you pick and choose what you want.

The Fallout 3 Compendium - Straight from the guys at NMA, this is suppose to bring the game back to FO 1 + 2

Welcome to the Wasteland - I've played shortly with this one, definitely makes Fallout a challenge

Jaynus Realism OVerhaul

ZBFO - Very ambitious overhaul, I keep on forgetting to try this out with a new character


UI Improvements


MTUI - One I currently am using, Its basic but works

Interface Mod - Revelation - Gives the UI that old FO2 feeling

Pipware UI - Improves the pipboy greatly

Color Hi-Detailed Map - Pretty self explanatory

Reneer's Invisible Karma - Removes all indications of losing or gaining karma


Sounds and Music - Obviously all personal taste


Fallout 1 + 2 Music - Adds to background music

Realistic Gunshots

IPip Player - Play your own radio tracks


Homes and Areas


Megaton House Expansion - For you do gooders, a larger megaton house

Outdoor bus Train and Vault - Props to Sorkenlol, I really like the simplicity and authenticity of his "homes"

Dtoms RivetCity Apartment


Gameplay Additions - Here is where things get tricky, not everything will be compatible with one another, Download at your own risk


MrLabTechnician - Adds ability to create your own drugs and medicine

Multiple Power Armor Training

Robco Certified - Adds perks that allow you to build companion robots

Freeplay after Mainquest

Vats MCE - Improves Vats

MJY the collector - Adds random items you can find and add to a museum

MMMF3 Increased Spawns - Now everything spawns in packs, great fun

Workbench Crafting

Ultimate Perk Pack - I suggest the lite version, A compilation of new Perks

Magic Pipboy-light - Improves the useless Pipboy light

Repair Rethought - Adds to and improves on repairing items

MMMF3 Tougher Traders - Beefs up the traders

Alternate Start - Roleplayers - Allows you to skip the tutorial, and start the game as various Classes

KTs Camera Center - Centers the 3rd person camera

Owned - After killing a family, you take ownership of their house


Texture Upgrades Most of these are redone vanilla textures, your computer might take a hit in performance


Faces of the Law - Huge improvement to the regulators

Hair Pack

Unqiue Uniques - Adds unique textures to unique weapons :)

Josef Grey Makeup Pack - Add a little beauty to the woman of the wasteland

HiRes Weapons

Darknss RealEyes

Brupo Female Body replacer - Everyone favorite, Naked Woman characters, I personally use the clothed version

Enchanced Night Sky

Hires Moon

Hires Terrain Pack

Better Booze - I prefer the classic pack

Classical Books

Deathclaw Retexture

Brupo's AK47 retexture


Weapons Most of these should be compatible hopefully



BA Desert Eagle I feel the better arsenal weapons are the most complete weapon addons out there right now


BA HK Mark 23

BA LE Ryder BB Gun


BA Vz61

Silenced G3

Valhalla Rifle

Lightsaber :whistling:




Armored Scribe Robe

Wandering Ranger

Jaysus Hats

Nippy Clothing




Umpa Animations





More to come

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