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SKSE Scripting Help


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I'm trying to create a small immersion mod which would prevent opening the Journal menu in Skyrim unless you have a book named 'Journal' in your inventory. I was also wondering how hard it would be to implement the player requiring to have charcoal or ink in their inventory, which would be consumed after a certain number of times the journal was opened; or to make whether the journal is openable decided by light levels in the area (I imagine these would be much more complicated, esp. the second). However, I don't have any scripting experience at all with Skyrim or SKSE, so I was hoping for some help as to which functions etc I should use and how.



This is the script I have so far

Event OnInit()
    RegisterForMenu("Journal Menu")

Event OnMenuOpen(String MenuName)
    If MenuName == "Journal Menu"
        If (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(LyrJournalItem) == 1)

        If (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(LyrJournalItem) == 0)    

I don't know what to put after each GetItemCount line; the first one to end the script and allow Journal access and after the second to block it. Any advice?

Edited by AI74
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What you proposed won't work nicely, because it won't let you see the settings tab if you don't have the book.


You should just be able to use http://www.creationkit.com/DisablePlayerControls_-_Game

event onPlayerLoadGame()
    bool hasBook = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(LyrJournalItem) as bool ;this should work, i haven't tested it..
    Game.DisablePlayerControls(abJournalTabs = !hasBook) ;Something like this
Edited by Mardoxx
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