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Savegame exporter/importer/rebuilder/remaker?


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Ok, so here is my situation.... i love my old lv81 (almost) vanilla save.... 350 hours playtime, most quests completed... Of course, along the way ive installed and uninstalled loads of mods, leaving loads of dodgy script errors.


I have since restarted skyrim multiple times, now using skyre, and loving it.


Here is what i want....


- A way to clean my old saves of dodgy scripts. So far my understanding is this isn't possible.


thus... im always thinking of a work-around....


what i really want is...


1. A way to export my quest progress information (quests completed (and how i completed them), quests started and my progress,etc).

2. A way to export my current inventory.

3. A way to export my level, stats, general stats, spells learnt, shouts and powers.

4. A way to export what my character looks like. (Not so important)

5. A way to export which map markers i've discovered, areas cleared,etc.

6. A program to take all this exported information and create me a batch file that i could then use with a new game.


i.e start new game, get out of Helgen, run batch file, and be roughly where i left off.



-I don't mind every item not being where i left it, id be happy just to keep what was in my inventory.

-i don't mind if i lose self-enchanted enchants.

-I don't mind losing mod added items/quests etc... in fact id prefer that.

-I don't mind having to respend perk points. (especially since i'd be using SkyRe.)



Is this possible? Would this achieve what i'm thinking, or am i missing something?


Are there programs and/or mods that could already achieve this?


Thanks for reading this! Any thoughts?






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