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Banzai Babe

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Hello, this may seem quite stupid, but I would appreciate some help. I've uploaded a little mod (Sam World) and would like to add some screenshots to it. I found in an entry that one can make screenshots via "Print" - but where are they saved? Is there a standard configuration?



Banzai Babe

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The keystroke 'printscreen' I believe is the default screenshot, or perhaps f-12


Screenshots are usually saved to your root fallout 3 folder in BMP (?) format.


BMPs are freaking huge and you can easily save them as JPEGs instead which would be 1/100th of the size on disk but look relatively similar (depending on how you save it out with what options/compression etc)


There is probably also a way to specify whether or not it saves screenshots directly to JPG or BMP to save you a step.

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