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[request] Varla and Welkynd Stones in skyrim.


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there are many many things in oblivion that were taken out from skyrim most of which make 0 sense to removed. Varla and Welkynd stones were one of those many things that shouldn't have been removed at ALL. it makes 0 sense as to why they were removed. they were an essential part of being a mage if you coudlnt find mana potions and stuff like that. personally i feel like they should be returned to skyrim where they belong. anyone willing to restore them and bring them into the game? :3

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As I understand it, the Ayleids never really had a presence in Skyrim. Thus, there are no ruins there, as nothing was built by them. One could argue that perhaps traders would wander through with such items. However, given that mages are not tremendously common amoung the Nords, perhaps most do not foresee profit in doing this. Also, I would assume that, after so many years, Varla stones would hav become pretty rare, and Welkynd stones even more so. Thus, not many traders would be willing to just wander around with one, hoping to sell it.


It would make for an interesting mod, though, to account for these things, and make them appropriately available.

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  • 6 months later...

You're lucky as I'm making a Collage Of Winterhold overhaul mod using some of Insanity's resources including the addition of Welkynd Stones which you can buy. They will be expensive as they are far more rare now and will do the same thing as Oblivion (They will completely restore Magicka)

The mod will overhaul many thing and should have V.1 coming out in about 1 week find on my Skyrim Nexus profile: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/6147531/

I hope you enjoy it and give feedback on it when it's released :)

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