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Having a problem with UNPB-BBP


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For some annoying reason UNPB-BBP no longer works on my character.There is no more bouncing physics when my character walks, runs, or is standing idle. On top of that her breasts in general look very strange, almost saggy sort of. I will have screen shots of all the mods I have installed and then the plug in order. Realistic Rag doll mod is installed already followed by The Skeleton of female models - Perfect for realistic_force fix. I saved the animation stuff to install last, all with the newest versions of each. The order I installed them is this:


1. CHSBHC-BBP-Nude and Jiggly Mod

2. Dimonized UNP

3. UNP Blessed Body UNPB - With Optional BBP Breast Physics

4. Victoria High Heel walk animation plus BBP - VHH walk v1_0c D-pack

5. Feminine Running and New Dash Animation - Feminine Running Animation v1-1 BBP

Edited by Jutch
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<p>Ugh.  It would appear the site won't let me upload the last two images containing the rest of my plugins and it won't let me upload any of the images of my mod lists.  If you guys need it I can type it in notepad and upload it.</p> Edited by Jutch
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