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Dragonborn DLC Problem with water


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here my problem,


i have installed dlc dragonborn but i have some problem with water... if i'm close to water i have lag and

problem with water texture ( became dark and white) i try to install unofficial dragonborn patch but don' t

fix the problem... anyone have a solution, fix..

i have set skyrim option to max and my mods list is in the attached file

Edited by anymouse95
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Do you have a B.O.S.S Logfile?


and if you can do a quick clean save to see if the problem occurs in vanilla we might be able to narrow the problem to a mod or skyrim itself.

there's no conflict, i have run boss and the logfile is ok... i try to load a month old saves and still happen.. i try to deactivate all the unofficial patch and greenwaterfix but still happen...



i have deactivated all unofficial patch, dragonborn, green water fix, W.A.T.E.R and if i go in the lake near lakeview mason the problem doesn't appear, but if i go in the north, in the nordic sea the problem return... i'll try to deactivate mod for ice, or even all mod



even deactivating all mod the problem still appear....

Edited by anymouse95
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Do you have a B.O.S.S Logfile?


and if you can do a quick clean save to see if the problem occurs in vanilla we might be able to narrow the problem to a mod or skyrim itself.

there's no conflict, i have run boss and the logfile is ok... i try to load a month old saves and still happen.. i try to deactivate all the unofficial patch and greenwaterfix but still happen...



i have deactivated all unofficial patch, dragonborn, green water fix, W.A.T.E.R and if i go in the lake near lakeview mason the problem doesn't appear, but if i go in the north, in the nordic sea the problem return... i'll try to deactivate mod for ice, or even all mod



even deactivating all mod the problem still appear....

at last i have reinstall skyrim without dlc and mod, and set option on low at 1152x648 but still happen... i'll try to delete skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and reinstall redist

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Do you have a B.O.S.S Logfile?


and if you can do a quick clean save to see if the problem occurs in vanilla we might be able to narrow the problem to a mod or skyrim itself.

i find a solution but not the problem and what's caused by... if i record with fraps lags, and all water related problem disappear and i can play normally??? how it's possible? should i install skyrim in my ssd instead of in my HDD?

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