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[Dragonborn] Frea follower bug


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Hello all


I'm having some trouble making Frea my follower again after the main Dragonborn quest.


I remember talking to her to become my follower just before I did the last part of the main quest.

I succesfully "persuaded" her to be my follower. But just after a while I decided to dismiss her for a while. (using the option "It's time for us to part ways")

When I completed the main Dragonborn quest however, I tried to make her my follower again, but there doesn't seem to be a "Follow me" option when I talk to her.

I tried disabling and enabling her with the console. But that didn't seem to work either.


Is there any other way to fix this bug?


Thanks in advance

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I'm having the same problem, but I haven't seen anyone else with the same problem till now. I persuaded her sometime during the main questline, and now I don't get the follower dialogue option. I've already tried disabling mods, so it isn't a conflict with UFO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I cant "its time to part away". I chose it several times, doesn't work.. She always and always following me.. its annoying



^ Same here. She won't leave me alone. Tried the 'set playerfollowercount to 0' command, as well. No luck.


I also had that problem but i fixed it, all you need to do is to attack her then there will be a word "your follow leaves your service"

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