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Lost My Head


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I realized recently that I had installed an old version of SkyUI, before I had installed the Nexus Mod Manager, and apparantly, before the Mod Configuration Menu was integrated. I downloaded the latest version of SkyUI, and after trying to install it, I got two error messages. One, that I had a previous version of SkyUI installed, and my SKSE was out of date.


I remedied those problems, deleted the SkyUI files in my skyrim/data/interface directors, and got the newest SKSE. Everything went smoothly, until I started up my game. SkyUI works just fine, the MCM is there, and I got a message that Player Headtracking, one of my mods, had been enabled.


But that seems useless now that I have no head.



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What did I do wrong?


(Also, when unequipping my armor, my arms are somewhat mishapen.

Edited by ArcieAdam
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