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Radioactive Mod Idea?


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Hey, guys. I just had this idea after I saw some interesting stuff in my Science class earlier today. I saw that some minerals had racioactive properties and I thought that wuld be an interesting premise to Skyrim. Maybe you could call it adding a touch of Fallout to Skyrim! HA! My idea was that you could mine the ore known as Metatorbernite, which has radioacive properties. After you had gotten the ore and other items, you coud craft a set of light armor, weak heavy armor and strong heavy armor which all had certain radioactive properties, good and bad. For example, maybe I could smith a Radioactive Heavy Steel Chestpiece, which, when worn, let me deal 15% more damage at the cost of 25 HP. I'd imagine the good effects and bad effects could be balanced better, or there could be a Helpful Version (More Good Effects), Balanced Version and Hardcore Version (More Bad Effects, more realistic in terms of how radioactivity would really act. Radioactivity doesn't give you superpowers like Stan Lee wants you to believe! :P) Let me know what you think! I think if enough people find the premise interesting I may just make it myself. I can't imagine that it's too hard to add some custom ores and some custom armor with special properties. I see people do it all the time. :smile:

Edited by BeastlyBeast
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