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In depth Resto Potion Looping


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I am attempting an unreasonably difficult or even impossible task? I am attempting to use the alchemy restoration potion loop glitch to create certain values for my enchantments. The ultimate goal is to create a piece of gear that has 90-100% (preferably 100%) cost reduction in a particular school of magic. I just did a quick review of the glitch since I haven't played in awhile and with the following perks and a 14% increase to enchanting potion I can create a chest piece with 26% cost reduction to conjuration.


Enchanter- 5/5 - Increases new enchantments by 100%

Insightful Enchanter- 1/1 - Increases skill enchantments by 25%


If anyone could help fine tune my percentages I would be grateful. The reason for this is my idea in creating the ultimate Vlad Dracul character.


It's incomplete but this is what it looks like so far.



I was going to do ebony weapons and heavy armor.

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If you're going to do Enchantment exploits, keep in mind you can never exceed 199 enchnating with weapons. To do so causes the enchantment charges to bug. Of course, if you don't use Absorb health/mana/stamina enchants and focus on Damage/elemental enchants and have 100% reduction in destruciton cost, this doesn't matter, but I suggest you think about that before you try weapons.

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Since you are using a cheat anyways, it would most likely be far easier to use the console to get a lot closer specific values. The ones that come to mind are: player.setav EnchantingPowerMod xx, and player.setav RestorationPowerMod xx (xx would be the increased power multiplyer).


EDIT: You could also look into the uncapper mod, to boost skills such as enchanting beyond 100.

Edited by fms1
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