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Re-doing the Thirsk Mead Hall Quests


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Hi everyone. When I was playing Dragonborn for the first time the other day, I didn't realize that you could either side with the Rieklings who had taken over Thirsk, or help the Nords to get it back. Unfortunately, I assumed that the Riekling part was the only quest option that there was, and now that I've seen the Wiki I know that I could've chosen to help the Nords instead. :( I hate the idea of going all the way back to a VERY early save in order to start again from before I made this choice because I've done so many things and made so much progress, so I was thinking that if someone were insterested in making a mod that allows you to either go back and make a new choice, OR somehow have the Nords alive again and be able to help them retake the mead hall, that would be great.


The reason I'm asking btw is because I got some great ideas on how to fix this here on the forum, but neither of them worked in practice, so I'm hoping that maybe a new mod will come along and save my butt. :)

Thanks for your time you guys,

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I thought it was quite obvious that there was options.

.. However, my first thought when I saw very first riekling coming towards:

.. I just couldn't resist myself on helping those little guys. They are too adorable.

Anyhow, did you try console? Might not work, due to the fact that you can't "remove" quests from log. (To undo them)

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Hi Shadowjin. lol Well I had to laugh at your reaction to the little guys because for some reason, ever since Bloodmoon w/ Morrowind, they've scared me to death! Something about their little faces and that horrible, creepy cackling they do just freaks me out, and so that's the real reason I'd like to somehow go back and have the Nords hanging out there. :)


btw---I did try the console but haven't had any luck. Someone else suggested that since my Nords are dead and I don't have the bodies, maybe I could use their Ref IDs to bring them to me and then somehow restart that quest, but not sure if it'll work. If not, I might have to just live with things the way they are or go back to an earlier save. Guess we'll see what happens. :)


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