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Custom Follower Mounts?


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I was wondering if there is a way to change the mount your follower rides. I created a sort of role play where myself and my 2 friends are sent into the Skyrim world, and one requested a sabre cat mount, however my followers only ride horses. I use convienient horses and ultimate follower overhaul, I thought maybe one could be modified/tweaked to suit my needs. (?) For example adding an additional dialogue option to convienient horses that says "sabercat" and not just one of the in game horses. This would be for my use only unless someone wants to make a compatible mod to allow optional follower mounts.


I guess what I want to know is there a way someone with zero modding experience can make a follower summon a sabre cat rather than a horse, or is this something I should post in mod request forums?

Edited by faytesoulstone
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