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Marital issues


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hey guys i am having issues with getting any of my characters married.


The whole process runs just fine until the vows and then my bride to be just walks out as soon as i agree to marry her. I don't get the wedding ring her scripting behaves as nothing as happened and the quest will not complete.


I have tried this with a clean save and four different characters..including one i just created to see if it would work and pretty much any npc i could find.


I have been reading every forum post i could about the marriage bugs for about 12 hours now and I have tried all the suggestions. The issues is somewhat known but people have been able to fix its by rushing to their wife and asking where she wants to live. I do not get this prompt at all despite the fact i went and bought every freaking house in the game.


Does any one know a work around for this?

Is it possible to get married with out the ceremony? (console codes seem to still require an actual wedding)

Can a mod be made to circumvent the ceremony? (if it comes to that)


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

thank you

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