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ENB Problem(s)


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This has been troubling me for the past days

I've been using ENBs for a while switching some every one in a while and noticed one thing that I can see through objects and so on.

Sometimes a character's body would be transparent, or I could see through walls and objects. I can also see through my hands.

Please help it's been bugging me for a long time and really sucks the immersion out of the game</p>
Example 1
Sorry if the image is a little too small and hard to see. But it is pretty notable if you look.</p>
Someone told me that if you hold the shield in front of somebody it would go transparent, but as said, I see through walls and objects etc. but the screenshots I have are not very clear on showing this. I may post more screens unless it is solved. I also heard it was an SSAO or AA problem.

This appears mostly in dungeons and caves.


Edited by GurayFax
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