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Qskope (PyFFI)


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I try to install PyFFI (Qskope included) to work with Blender, but I have an error : "PyQt4 not found"


But I think I have installed PyQt4.


Any idea to fix that ?


I thank you in advance for your answer.

Edited by donews
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Download and install Python 3.2.3 Windows x86
Download and install PyQt-Py3.2-x86-gpl-4.9.6-1
Download and install Pyffi 2.2.2 - selected Python 3.2 (32 bit)


try that since python 3.3 and pyqt 3.3 dont seem to get along with pyffi

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Just wondering what you want to do with QSkope as its not something that would be talked about often as opposed to NifSkope. The same would be with using it in conjunction with blender. Purely peaking my interest here :biggrin:

Depending on the version of Blender you plan on running it against, will impact the versions you need. the py2.6 or py-3k series.

On a side note if you are going for py3.2, you can use x86_64-bit version. Modules missing in the py2.6_x64 are included with py3.2. PyQt also has a 64-bit installer, but this the first time I have seen people looking for it.

Edit: Looks like an installer is badly labelled, it is able to detect various versions, not sure what is broken with py3.3, will check it out. Also ran the installer and not seeing the PyQt requirement, unless it installed itself sneakily. Where does this error occur?

Edited by neomonkeus
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