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The Temple of Miraak BUG?


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I`m a bit nervous to ask, but does anyone else having a problem getting through the following gate in Temple of Miraak :

``Continue down the passageway until a pair of doors is reached. Enter through this into a chamber. A dead draugr will fall out of a sarcophagus, alerting the Dragonborn to go this way. Follow the passageway until a handle is reached. Activate this and the gate beyond will be raised. A wooden bridge beyond the gate will fall and create a bridge to cross.`` - from wikia.

I have no idea, why is that wooden bridge doesn`t fall down autmatically when i get close to it..

I have no other follower with me, only Frea.

I tried with several characters of mine, but none of them worked..

please help!


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I`ve installed a lot of mods, mostly visual, armour, retextures, but i`m not using SKSE. And mods connected with skse.


You also have a few mods installed?


Funny thing is i could get through the wooden door by running/jumping up and squeeze myself to the next area, but the problem is there are 3 or 4 of these wooden collapsing bridges on the other side, and those aren`t move neither..

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Yeah, I have a ton of mods - if I turn them all off it'll make a mess putting them back because of appearance mods etc.


Behaviour mods were responsible for glitches in the book worlds, but I don't know about what's causing this problem.


I have a similar problem mow in the Lost Legacy quest where the boss draugrs aren't coming out to fight me

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