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Uploaded file not appearing in last files


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I've uploaded a mod and published it like two hours ago, but it's not appearing in last files, it's been enough time to update... It's in the new today files but no the last files.... I don't know if it's just for me but I've logged of and the same thing. Lastly I think I'm getting less views than it should, even really simple mods get more views, not to say my mod is even good but views are views...

Hope a moderator can have a look


the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31733

a screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/26/bugoa.jpg/

Thanks in advance

Edited by FrankFamily
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not for me, also confirmed by another user an hour ago: "your mod is visible on "new today", "new recently" but not in the "latest files".
don't know what is causing it, but anyway, don't worry, people seem to be able to get it, so doesn't really matter, however has less views than mods uploaded before or after it, but nothing really important.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Yeah, it's a bit strange, it has now over 2000 but anyway the thing is it appeared in new today and such but not between the mods that appear on the right with an image, the very last mods, it somehow skipped that...


made a self explanatory image:



and this one shows that it didn't appear just before the serpentine dragon mod, in fact in never appeared on that tab.




i don't want any form of compensation, just want to know if this is bug in sites (so it can be fixed) or what.


Thanks for your time

Edited by FrankFamily
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