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Enhancing Fallout 3 Crime


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Hello, I am Xenaclone. I am making a mod which adds a jail, and enhances Fallout 3's crime system. And so far, I've gotten everything to work the way I want it to.


The script below is attached to an officer in Megaton. This script causes her to do various things. If the player has no crime for instance, nothing happens. She'll merely sandbox. But if GetMinorCrimeCount is >= 3 or GetMajorCrimeCount >= 1, she'll find the player, and an arrest process begins.



scriptname aaaEnforcementOfficerScript
short Status
Begin GameMode
; This set of scripts handles the arrest process
If (Player.GetInWorldspace MegatonWorld == 1) && (Status == 0)
If (GetMinorCrimeCount >= 3) || (GetMajorCrimeCount >= 1)
Set Status to 1
aaaMegatonOfficerRef.AddScriptPackage aaaArrestPlayerPackage
There is more to the script, but that's the part I am concerned with.
Problem is, once GetMinorCrimeCount and GetMajorCrimeCount have been set, the officer will "see" only those crime counts, she won't see anything new. So if Minor Crime is 3 for instance, and the Player has paid caps (causing her to go back to Sandboxing) she won't see any additional crimes, which cause Minor Crime to rise to 4, 5, 6, or whatever.
So that is my question. How do I make the officer "see" any new crimes committed?
Edited by xenaclone
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