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Blades recruitment bug. I believe.


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I really need some help my mind is to stress to even think. So I downloaded Recruit more blades from skyrim nexus via NMM. I disabled it recently and reloaded an old save from before I had it and now delphine will not give me the dialog option to recruit any blades at all! I have a follower with me (Lydia) And ive tried waiting a few days. Yes I am on the quest. And there doesn't seem to be anything that works! Help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this issue as well, though I never used Recruit more Blades mod. I can't find a way to induct Borgakh into Blades.


Edit: Well, turns out that the issue was with using Multiple Followers Lite. So much for "lite" and compability.

Edited by rhapsodios
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