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SkyRe makes magic overpowered?


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While vanilla perks certainly seem to add some overpowered stuff of their own, consider the following:


Unlike vanilla, skill affects damage in SkyRe (and unlocking the skill cap of 100 is recommended for the game, so this matters even more).

Perks in SkyRe allow for a maximum of +110% damage (vanilla only +50%)

If you get the Arcane Assassin perk, you can do x3 damage on sneak attacks

If you are an High Elf, you can Channel Magika to do x2 damage (initial spell cast at least).



I tested a few things out.


I have a level 16 'mage' that currently has +17% damage bonus from equipment, 43 Destruction skill, and +40% dam to fire and +30% to frost.


If I throw on Channel Magika, Fiery Hands show 162 damage, and Ice Spike shows 108.


If I do a sneak attack while duel casting (no perk for it yet), Fiery Hands would do 668 damage (162 x 2 hands x 2 sneak damage), and Ice Spike will do 416.



Suppose I level and get Destruction to 100, +60% damage from perks, and have Arcane Assassin.


Fiery Hands would do 1362

Ice Spike would do 912


I did not calculate farther, but imagine if my skill is higher, and I have better gear (and even Duel Casting Perk). How much damage would Fiery Hands do then? 2000? More? I already play on Master difficulty, so I guess the actual damage I am doing is half what the calculations show, but isn't the damage extraordinarily high even so?


I am still new to the game, so I really would like some perspective. If this seems about right, then ok ... I will keep playing the character and not think I am somehow taking advantage of things. But does spell damage need to be nerfed in SkyRe? Even if I stop playing a spellcaster and go melee, I still need to face mages in the game. Worse than being overpowered yourself is being overpowered by mobs.



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