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CK not letting me set relationships to the PC


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<p>Hey guys, I wanted to take today to learn how to make a follower, so I started following a guide and it tells me to go to the relationships tab and make a new relationship for the player or something like that. Well, whenever I go to make a new relationship, nothing happens. Nothing at all. I right click, select "new" and that's it, no error or anything like that. The guide says to make sure that the npc is flagged as "unique" and it is, so I'm a little confused. I tried closing the CK (and losing my work up to that point) and trying again, but it still won't let me create the relationship. Any ideas?


EDIT: Well, okay, when I went to change to a different tab, the unique box became unchecked and every time I swap to a new tab it becomes unchecked again after I check it.

Edited by Shady_Sam
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This is a problem with CK, when you switch to another tab the boxes become unticked.

What you do is first tick the boxes, then press OK (as in exit the Actor Editor Window). Open the actor up again and setting your relationships should work now.

Edited by hardarg
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