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Well for those wanting to use the new items:



I welcome any suggestions. Enjoy.


I've got to get back to real-life projects, like making real weapons :-)




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This could be more exciting if it promised more challenge rather than more goodies handed out. I mean, with the fortifications and the paramilitary support, do you get more challenge, more pressure, more tough situations to put those survival skills to the test, or is it just "Hey, here's another mod to make you feel more powerful!" "Well that's fantastic, but I think I can do that just fine with the vanilla installation!"


This may be what you're planning, over time rival organizations, potential ambushes, the difficulty of daily organizational maintenance, but if what you're releasing first is a fat Monty Haul that turns game balance ass-end-up, then it'll get boring long before you get to that point.


And you can make distinctively styled uniforms without any logo-ish markings; think post-civilization collapse, people just don't put t-shirts and stencils high priority when they're scratching out their survival. Nice armor retexture, but do you really need to put a label on a merc so that you or they know they're mercs? Like the trenchcoat style, very nice, classic, and looks like it should be taken seriously. Too polished just doesn't reinforce the wasteland survivor theme. Keep in mind that you're an outcast among people who were never fortunate enough to be 'in'.

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This could be more exciting if it promised more challenge rather than more goodies handed out. I mean, with the fortifications and the paramilitary support, do you get more challenge, more pressure, more tough situations to put those survival skills to the test, or is it just "Hey, here's another mod to make you feel more powerful!" "Well that's fantastic, but I think I can do that just fine with the vanilla installation!"


This may be what you're planning, over time rival organizations, potential ambushes, the difficulty of daily organizational maintenance, but if what you're releasing first is a fat Monty Haul that turns game balance ass-end-up, then it'll get boring long before you get to that point.


And you can make distinctively styled uniforms without any logo-ish markings; think post-civilization collapse, people just don't put t-shirts and stencils high priority when they're scratching out their survival. Nice armor retexture, but do you really need to put a label on a merc so that you or they know they're mercs? Like the trenchcoat style, very nice, classic, and looks like it should be taken seriously.



There will definitely be a boost in difficulty. There is also a story that will explain everything extra. This release is to help me iron some problems. I can only play so much to determine if NPC's get stuck in areas. There will be a massive increase in difficult enemies and raids, but I'm not going to start scripting that if the NPC's have problems navigating the area.


This is only like 20% of what the mod will actually be. I do appreciate your comments.

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Here is a sample of the primary character for the mod, which starts the "Combat Currency" Quest. All of the main characters have some sort of story and tie in with this guy. His story is deserter from the Enclave and was under Col. Autumn. I'm not going to provide any more info on the quest though.





I've managed to finish all of the characters other than the voices yet. I've got some people together and we're fixing to start on the voice overs. I've got most of the packages, all of the perks, classes, and most of the items knocked out. I finally got a solid location for the exterior which will be directly south of Jury St. Metro and East of evergreen mills. I picked it because of the lack of other markers in the area. I had planned for the Dunwick area, but decided against it.


So the voice over and dialog will probably talk a while. I've got the character quest lined out. What I'm trying to do now is get these special people into random locations for the quest and wire them to meet at the base. The problem I'm having is the base isn't fully open and some of AI packages require all areas. The next trick I need to work out is adding perks to the soldiers and security guards when you locate the special characters.


Some other changes that I decided to not implement. Originally I was going to have the normal fallout 3 followers retreat to this base when you fired them, but since I didn't want to have problems with other mods out there I am leaving this alone.

So thats that so far.



Major Props to you and your project. I wish you the best of luck with it. That model of Blain is awesome, I've been looking for some clothes/armor like that for a while now. Can you point me in the right direction on where I can get something like that or a good tutorial or something. Appreciate it!

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Well it has been a while since I've last posted any progress. I will recommend people making frequent backups of their mod files. I usually make a backup of the ESP each day as I continue work... but that wasn't good enough. I spent a solid day knocking out the dialog for all the characters and then started messing with some other experimental things. Tested the mod the next day and it crashed like crazy. I have no clue what did it, but I'm sure it was the experiments, so I lost about 6 hours worth of dialog work.


I've also been helping Frogg on his British mod. Should be an interesting product.


Aside from that, started work on the Merc Website and FAQ. Decided to make a banner and will probably do some fancy teaser video for it to.




I did some changes to a lot of the skins and new items. There were several people not happy with the red stars, since it has a direct implication to communism. So I made a skull type thing to replace it. I'll be making a few alternate skins for the clothing to add blood and maybe some camo.


*EDIT - I forgot to mention that I'll be doing a second version of the Canterbury Armor to include all the new armor and items from the merc mod.

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Due to feedback I made several changes to the new clothing and armor. As stated above, some people didn't like the red stars and some people didn't like the MERC logo on the armor. So I removed the logo and also added some urban camo. I think the revisions give it more of a commando appeal to them. They are more intimidating than before.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Phase 2 pre-release test will be starting today. After cleaning up the mod and looking through files I decided to share some mod statistics of what has been added.


AI Packages = 111

Armor & Clothing = 5

Classes = 10

Containers = 15

Factions = 6

Interior Cells = 4

Keys = 4

Line of Dialogue = 159

Messages = 11

Misc Items = 4

Notes = 9

NPC's = 24

Object Effects = 7

Perks = 7

Quests = 1

Scripts = 8

Weapons = 4


Modified & New Textures = 66

Modified Meshes = 31


Total changes to the game = 486


Sad thing is, there is one more production phase to go!

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