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ME2 textures for Shep in ME3?


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So I've been thinking about this for a while. I customize my Shepard, and from ME2 to ME3, there are a few differences. I think the biggest details that cause the difference are the face texture (Complexion) and eyebrows. (Well, eyes as well, but that's mesh problems)

Basically I've been wondering if ME2 and ME3 are similar enough to replace textures like that, or if texture replacement on this level is plausible. I'm not a modder, and I'm not sure if I can my wrap my head around how to do that, but I'm curious at the very least. And who knows, if there is a way, maybe I can manage to do this myself with a little help. But first I want to know if ME2 textures are compatible with ME3 at all, or if this is all theoretical and impractical.

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It's great to know that it's doable. Texmod is a slight issue, because last I checked, I need to boot the game from it every time, which is kinda annoying. Don't know if they changed that, and more importantly, beggars can't be choosers. lol

But I would appreciate any help leading me in the right direction. For my part, I will look up texture modding with Texmod, but I would appreciate any tutorials based more closely on ME3 and ME2, since Shepard's face is a combination of many textures and I'm not sure how that will work with Texmod and texture ripping...


Thank you for your help, either way. Now I know what I'm thinking is not only doable, but has been done before.

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