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New Werewolf Model


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I was checking out different versions of werewolves and even though I like the sort of humanoid wolf form seen in skyrim and things like Underworld I wouldn't mind seeing a new werewolf model that looks like an actual wolf. I'm not very good with the creation kit so maybe someone might want to try this out. Now I wouldn't mind seeing a werewolf form that looks like a larger more ferocious version of a regular wolf with glowing gold and black eyes. What I think would make this mod complete would be if it were compatible with Tales of Lycanthropy and Werewolf Followers by Brevi as well as Heart of The Beast-Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul by NsJones. This mod should be able to change werewolves as a whole not just the player character. Would be awesome to go out with the companions on a full moon.

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