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Any preplaced corpses are entirely invisible and have no physical form.


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SOLVED: Caused by the mod 'Slow Death.'


Hi, I'm having an issue with regards to any type of preplaced corpses in game, regardless if it's from primary ESMs for the game, edited ones such as NVR3's McBain's corpses or Ringo's sacked caravan guards, or even entirely new preplaced corpses such as Mojave Travel's Wanderer corpse near the motorcycle, or AWOP's explorer corpses in it's dungeons, turning entirely invisible and having no physical form to interact with, but can still be opened/searched as a container.

Haven't been able to pinpoint this down as it was only an issue very recently since I only a few hours ago started a new playthrough, only adding onto it by downloading Nevada Skies Redesigned and redownloading AWOP. Wasn't an issue in my previous 100+ hour playthrough with 220~ mods (I have the plugin limit fix and my system runs comfortably with all of them, no memory issues), or my full New California playthrough. Unchecked and rechecked Archive Invalidation on MO2 and FOMM (alternating between either, not both at the same time of course), and ensured there weren't ITM records in the aforementioned mods, specifically any of the corpses.

Removing AWOP, it's patches (Qwinn's NVR3 patch and Spice of Life patch) and Nevada Skies Redesigned, and even starting a new game afterwards didn't solve the issue. And since there haven't been any topics on the forum similar to this issue, I decided I'd post this up.

This also isn't a 'body replacer missing a mesh or texture' or something similar. The corpses are entirely invisible, head to toe, regardless of the armor or lack thereof. They cannot be shot, will not gore, cannot be moved physically with the grab key, and only can be interacted with as a container. I can stand in exactly the same spot and not be invisible either.

EDIT: Resurrecting the corpses makes them fully visible, even after they are killed as well.

Images here: https://imgur.com/a/UIcHA0u

Load order: https://pastebin.com/CNmLX5cs (215 plugins enabled, 220 total)

Edited by niichttt
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In all the instances I could find where this (invisible actors) has happened, the cause remains "unknown". The only solution has been to "disable and then re-enable" each victim or "kill, resurrect, disable, and enable".


Edit: Did find an old post (Mar 2011) that blamed the problem on the mod "Dynavision 2" and a later one that blamed "Dynavision 3" but only in interiors.


If you ever do pin down the cause, please do let us know.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, I had read through that issue and realized it was more of the issue with post-processing mods or a-effects overlapping or not being able to work properly in certain areas of cells. It's odd though because it's specifically on corpses as entities, even those untouched by mods (example being the Drowned Vault Technician ghouls in Vault 34, they're invisible.) But usually this issue causes any entity within that area of the cell to be invisible, the PC, NPCs, companions, and so on.
I had uninstalled Dynavision 3 and completely deleted my save files, and then started up a new playthrough and it still had the same issue, in tandem with me disabling the previous mods I downloaded (AWOP/Nevada Skies Redesigned).
I also do not have ENB enabled, only ENBoost following Gamerpoet's and the Mod Conflict Wiki's settings. Which would rule that out.

Not an issue with overlapping mods, as various corpses from the base game or separate mods will have their corpses disappeared, and has been thoroughly checked through in xEdit to ensure this is true.
Obviously not an issue with BSA Redirection or Archive Invalidation, since the NPCs can be seen fully when resurrected.
Not an issue with V3.0 Shaders being enabled and the shader package 17 'transparency fix' doesn't solve this either.
Didn't act ignorant either, and didn't touch any of the dangerous INI settings.

Decided to wipe it back entirely, not a clean install but removing any severe mods, FOMODs, etc. outside of VUI+, UIO, NVSE, JIP LN, etc. basic UI and scripting capability mods that would not interfere with corpses specifically, of all entities. Still an issue.

The only conclusion I can come to now is that this could be file corruption (I don't know how or especially why specifically with corpses, though), the amount of plugins and assets bearing down too heavily on the engine (doubtful, because I have constantly gotten a clean 60fps with no drops fairly often outside of major settlements, while far underneath the new plugin limit, with little crashes and stutter issues at hand.)

Or it's just one of the possible cumulative effects you have when a modded game directory is up for almost a year, going through multiple large mods such as FNC, DUST, etc. that have likely left files in, even though I've repeatedly checked after uninstalling them to not leave anything behind that could cause an issue like this.

Regardless, I've done a clean install and will attempt to capture when and how this happens in the future. My only lead on this would be my last two paragraphs, since this seems more like an issue with the engine rather than any separate individual issue caused by another plugin or asset, etc.

Thank you for your help with this anyway, I've had this issue with FO3 in the past and I've still been needing to do clean installs for this very reason every year or so.
Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to stress test my install and attempt to understand why this is further without running into the more obvious and solvable issues.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm that this is caused by Slow Death. Another user (@taberone) contacted me via PM and confirmed it as well a bit far after the date I originally posted to avoid necro'ing this post, but I never got the time to investigate myself until recently. The likely culprit for this issue is the 'SlowDeathBEScript' script.

Edited by niichttt
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